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  • Turning Off Automatic Downloads On IOS Devices To Save Data

    Turning Off Automatic Downloads On IOS Devices To Save Data

    IOS devices are great to have and if you have many of them, they can be linked together and all the content on each device can be downloaded automatically on all other IOS devices. If you’ve subscribed to content like a podcast series or TV show, new episodes can be downloaded and added to your…

  • Protecting yourself from online threats

    Are You Protected Against Online Threats?

      Browsing the web is one of the things we humans like to do the most these days. Almost everything is available online these days including shopping, sharing your updates on social media, your banking, your insurance, your mail (email) and even all your personal files if you have a cloud account. The internet has…

  • How To Set Up Two Factor Authentication & Why You Should

    How To Set Up Two Factor Authentication & Why You Should

    It is becoming increasingly important to add an extra layer of security to your log in process for the many services you often require a password and a username to log into them. Many people still use single factor authentication for things such as their email address login. This is when you type your email…

  • Keeping Your Phone Secure When Going Online

    A person’s phone is one of their most important assets with many people not being able to go an hour in a day without checking their messages, missed calls, emails or social media updates. But because so much information is stored within your phone, scammers and other bad people online or in person might want…

  • Online Scams: How To Spot Them, What Can You Do?

    Online scams are something you always hear about in the news or see on films happening to people you don’t know and many of us don’t imagine that they’ll be caught out by an online scammer. But in fact, according to the ACCC Australians lost up to $340 million in 2017 to scammers with thousands…