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The Main Cause of Slow nbn Service and How You Can Fix It

The Main Cause of Slow NBN Service and How You Can Fix It article image by IPSTAR

Australia has been enjoying faster Internet speed thanks to National Broadband Service’s breakthrough Internet plans. Although it has promised speeds of up to 100Mbps, subscribers are still complaining about inconsistent and slow connection across all nbn deals. Even the most expensive nbn Internet plans at times deliver sub par performance, leaving Australians from all across the country both frustrated and unsatisfied.


If you’re one of the many subscribers of nbn fixed wireless, you may be wondering what causes slow Internet speeds. There are a lot of factors that could affect the overall performance and speed of fixed line nbn Internet. nbn Internet providers are also partly responsible for the slow speeds that a majority of subscribers encounter. The problem of slow Internet connectivity happens during Internet rush hour between 7pm and 11pm. There are also cases when the Internet is incredibly slow even during off peak hours.


To solve the slow speed issue that almost all nbn Internet subscribers experience from time to time, here are two main causes and quick fix that you can do at home!


  • Congested Network


Connectivity Virtual Circuit or CVC is one of the most common causes of congestion among nbn Internet subscribers. nbn service providers buy access from nbn in bulk. This means that service providers assess the amount of bandwidth they need based on the number of connection demands in a given area. Some service providers buy less bandwidth than actual demand. In other instances, there simply are a lot of subscribers online at certain times of day.


  • Basic nbn Plan


If you’re paying for a basic nbn plan, expect slower speeds. The cheapest plan that service providers offer features 12Mbps. If you’re planning to upgrade to nbn, make sure to carefully assess your needs in terms of speed and bandwidth so you don’t end up with an unsatisfactory Internet line at home.


  • Upgrade to faster speed tier nbn deals


The majority of nbn providers offer plans based on speed measured in Megabits per second or Mbps. The lowest tier speed offered is 12 Mbps. If you want faster Internet speeds, you will need to pay more. You can choose speeds ranging between 25Mbps to 100Mbps. There are also companies that offer speed boosts which enable you to enjoy faster speeds, even during peak hours. This does involve additional costs.


If you’re interested in learning more about how nbn works, click here for more valuable information. To take advantage of the best nbn Internet plans, you may call us at 1300 464 778.