nbn® is trialling a new Sky Muster® Plus plan aimed at delivering faster speeds and even more data to satellite customers.
We’re thrilled to announce IPSTAR Broadband will be participating in the nbn® trial that will provide unmetered data allowances and faster speeds to up to 10,000 regional Australians on NBN Sky Muster Plus. The trial is an exciting step for improved internet access for people in regional and remote Australia.
The trial, which commenced in March and will continue until late May 2023, will test the capacity and reliability of NBN’s satellite technology to deliver faster download speeds of up to 100 Mbps for regional customers. If successful, the product will be made available to all customers across the satellite footprint.
If you are eligible to participate in this phase of the trial, IPSTAR Broadband will contact you via email. Please read the email and register yourself to secure your spot.
To read more about from nbn directly, click here to be taken to their sky muster plus trial announcement: https://www.nbnco.com.au/blog/the-nbn-project/nbn-sky-muster-trial-offers-unmetered-data-more-speed
For more information on the T&C’s for eligible customers, please see below:
Trial participants will need to consent to providing their contact details to nbn and Ergo Strategy to take part in the performance research by reply email. We will also seek assistance with following some basic instructions, like using the service as extensively as possible, trying various types of internet applications, and running speed tests (we will supply step by step instructions).
Other important things you should know if you elect to participate:
- Trial participants will need to consent to providing their contact details to nbn and Ergo Strategy to take part in the performance research by reply email. We will also seek assistance with following some basic instructions, like using the service as extensively as possible, trying various types of internet applications, and running speed tests (we will supply step by step instructions).
- nbn request that, if possible, you remain on the trial for its duration, however, should you wish to opt-out of the trial, you can do so by contacting IPSTAR Broadband.
- You can make changes to your current Sky Muster Plus plan during the trial, including changing retail service provider, however if you do so you will stop receiving the trial plan and will revert back to the plan you had prior to the trial or to the new plan you select.
- To support faster trial plan burst speeds, your wi-fi router should be less than 3 years old and support 802.11n standard or newer. For the best experience, your router should have 802.11ac or 802.11ax support. Older routers (802.11a/b/g) cannot support wi-fi speeds greater than 50Mbps.
- To run speed tests, you will ideally have access to a device with an ethernet port which can be plugged in directly to the router or nbn NTD.
- nbn have engaged Ergo Strategy to conduct the research for the trial.
- If you participate in the trial, we will provide your contact details including your name, phone number and email address to nbn and Ergo Strategy. Ergo Strategy will then use those details to contact you ask for your feedback.
- The research will consist of 3 brief online surveys over the course of the trial, taking approximately 30 mins in total.
- Some participants may also be invited to a more in-depth video call interview (taking approximately 20 – 30mins) with a $15 e-Visa gift card offered for those who elect to, and then are offered an opportunity to take part, and who complete the interview.
- nbn will commit to using the contact details provided solely for the purposes of the research as outlined in the above and personal contact data shared will be secured in accordance to nbn’s security protocols and nbn and Ergo Strategy’s privacy policies (https://www.nbnco.com.au/utility/privacy-policy and www.ergostrategy.com.au/privacy).
- If you elect to be part of the trial, nbn will provision the trial planat the back end andyou will not need to do anything. Your service may be briefly impacted by this provisioning which will occur either late evening or early morning, and which generally takes less than 30 minutes. We will notify you about any anticipated interruptions to your service in advance.
At the conclusion of the trial, you will be placed back on the nbn Sky Muster Plus plan you had prior to the trial commencement. This will occur in the late evening or early morning, and you will not have to take any action, however your service may again be briefly impacted by up to 30 minutes as a result. We will let you know about any anticipated interruptions to your service in advance.