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Fixed Line and Fixed Wireless 3rd Party Router Setup Guide

IPSTAR Broadband strongly suggest using our supplied routers to guarantee a compatible connection and correct settings so you can access your internet day one. However, if you would like to use your own existing router, we have put together the below guide to walk you through the setup process.

*Note every router is different so the below guide aims to give a rough overview on how to access and update your router with your new IPSTAR Broadband username and password. If for any reason you are having issues with your router, we suggest to contact your router manufacturer as we are unable to provide support for 3rd party routers.

*Please note if your new connection is a FTTN based connection you will need a VDSL2 compatible router. ADSL routers will not work.

Step 1 Accessing your router settings page.

Common 3rd party router addresses:

Open a browser window, enter the following IP:

TP-Link: or

D-Link: or http://dlinkrouter or



Netgear: or or


*Note: If you cannot see your router address page in the above list or the address does not work then check the back of your router. There should be a sticker on the bottom with the router IP address. If there are no details on the back of the router try plugging in a wired connection directly from your PC into the WAN port of your router as some routers require a direct connection for set up. Once plugged in directly try entering or into your browser search bar.

You can also try the following link which is a great resource for tracking down your router guide

Step 2 Enter your router username and password.

Next you will be prompted to enter your username and password to access your routers settings page.

The most common default username is admin and most common password is admin or password. If the default username and password does not work you may need to factory reset your router by holding the reset button for about 10 seconds which will reset the device to its default settings. If you are still having issues consult your router manufacturer or manual for help.

Step 3 Set Mode/Interface type.

FTTN & FTTB connections please ensure your router mode or interface type is set to VDSL.

HFC, FTTP, FTTC & Wireless connections please ensure your router mode or interface type is set to Wireless Router Mode

The Mode/Interface type can normally be found under the quick set up option within the router settings.


Step 4 Enter your Ipstar* username and password.

Once you have accessed your router settings page you will need to add your Ipstar* PPPOE user name and password. In the router settings page, there should be an internet connection options page or a quick set up option that has PPPOE settings. Every router is different so just navigate through the options until you find PPPOE set up.

Next enter any PPPOE username and password you would like to assign.

Your router may ask you to specify other settings during the quick set up process. We suggest leaving the other options in the default settings mode.

Once you have entered your PPPOE username and password complete the quick setup process by following your router prompts and you should now be up and running.

If you are still having issues please contact our support team on 1300 464 778 or email us at [email protected]