Here you can find event notices that may affect your internet service with IPSTAR Broadband. Should you be experiencing an issue that is not covered by a notice below, please check out our support pages to find helpful support articles or call our support line on 1300 464 778.
Our Commitment: We are dedicated to keeping you informed and minimizing disruptions during major service incidents. Here’s how we manage such situations:
How We Detect Issues: We continuously monitor our systems and receive updates from multiple sources, including:
- Advanced monitoring tools.
- Notifications from our service providers.
- Customer feedback and reports.
- Relevant news updates.
Our Response Process: Once we identify an issue, we:
- Assess the situation to determine its impact.
- Prioritize actions to resolve the issue quickly.
- Engage our technical teams and partners to address the problem.
Keeping You Informed: We provide timely updates through:
- Our call centre
- Notifications on our website.
- Updates on our social media channels.
Unplanned Outage Scheduled MaintenanceReference ID: {{ notification.primary.referenceID }}
Affected Service/s: {{ notification.primary.impactedServices }}
Status: {{ displayStatus(notification.state) }}
Started at: {{ notification.primary.dateRaised }} {{ notification.primary.dateRaisedTimeZone }}
Starts at: {{ notification.primary.maintenanceStart }} {{ notification.primary.maintenanceStartTimeZone }}
Ends at: {{ notification.primary.maintenanceStop }} {{ notification.primary.maintenanceStopTimeZone }}
Expected Outage Duration: {{ notification.primary.expectedOutageDuration }} Estimated Resolution Time: {{ notification.primary.estimatedResolutionTime }} Affected Location/s: {{ notification.primary.impactedLocations }}Details
{{ displayDetails(notification.primary) }}- {{ item.currentTimestamp }} AEST {{ displayDetails(item) }} Estimated Resolution Time: {{ item.estimatedResolutionTime }} Restoration Time: {{ item.restorationTime }} {{ item.restorationTimeTimeZone }}