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A Guide on How to Manage nbn Internet Plans for Private Consumers

A Guide on How to Manage NBN Internet Plans for Private Consumers article image by IPSTAR


An nbn Internet plan can introduce a new online experience. National Broadband Network promises breakthrough Internet technology that allows people from across Australia to utilise the Internet to its full potential.


nbn replaces the almost-obsolete copper-wire technology- a feat that in itself is a forward leap to a brighter and better Australia. But just like any other technology available to man, nbn is still in its initial stages which means that it presents reliability issues from time to time.


In this article, we will enumerate some of the most common concerns among nbn satellite plan subscribers and their respective resolutions. We will also provide some important information on how to manage your broadband consumption more effectively.


  • Does your nbn Internet provider truly deliver?


As a paying customer, you need to ascertain that you are getting your money’s worth with a brand new nbn plan for your home. If your household is a heavy user of media streaming sites such as Netflix, you need to make sure that you have enough bandwidth and speed for an excellent viewing experience.


To verify that you are getting sufficient bandwidth, use a third-party website that measures the speed delivered by your ISP provider.


  • Identify your bandwidth need


To ensure that your home is getting the bandwidth that all users require, make sure to compare respective plans of nbn service providers. This will guide you to identify the estimated bandwidth needed for an individual subscriber or for a home with multiple devices. You can then match your bandwidth requirement to the existing nbn offerings of an Internet provider.


  • Review your connection


Closely review your home’s usage to identify which device uses the most amount of data. Monitoring bandwidth usage allows for you to identify which member of the household is hogging the most amount of bandwidth. There are many programs available online that you can use to keep track of usage. Further, there are also programs that allow subscribers to limit bandwidth for different devices.


To learn more about existing nbn Internet plans available we offer, you may call us on 132 800. You may also click here to view the availability of nbn in your location.