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Hitting 100% data usage again? Make the switch and save money on data blocks

It happens to all of us from time to time on IPSTAR Broadband Standard nbn Sky Muster. Maybe it was this month or maybe it was last month, whenever it was, it was when we may have been more busy than usual in the home and we found that our monthly data allowance ran out a lot quicker than expected. The internet was slowed down and things became frustrating.
So we went online to purchase a data block so that we could get our internet going again. However, doing this was quite costly. Here is a list of data blocks to choose from IPSTAR Broadband.

Data Block Description Price
1GB Additional 1GB Data $5
5GB Additional 5GB Data $15
10GB Additional 10GB Data $25
20GB Additional 20GB Data $40


Each of the data blocks are an extra cost on top of your monthly internet bill. If you were on a Satellite 65 plan with us, you would usually pay $50 per month. If you then decided to purchase an additional 20GB of data, your cost that month would now be $90 and for many families this puts pressure on the budget. There are times when you run out of data and purchasing a data block is sufficient, but these days, it actually may be better to switch to IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus instead.

When is it a good idea to switch to IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus instead of purchasing a data block?

There are different situations that families find themselves in when they need to purchase a data block from IPSTAR Broadband. Many of these situations revolve around purchasing extra data for very important activities that need to be done online and with some urgency. Here are some examples.

  1. Matthew lives in a family of 5 people which includes his wife and three children. One day he returns from work and a crisis has emerged. His children spent all day watching movies on Disney Plus and he no longer has any data on his IPSTAR Broadband Standard nbn Sky Muster Plan, so it has now been slowed down. Matthew had plans for that evening to make a video call on Zoom to his brother so that he could wish him a happy birthday and his family was also going to join in on the call. The family lives in regional and rural Australia and there is no way they can visit the uncle that day, it is important to them. Matthew goes online and purchases a data block from IPSTAR Broadband, he buys 10GB of data at a cost of $25 so he can make a call on Zoom.
    1. In this situation, if Matthew was on IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus he would be able to make that Zoom call to his brother without any extra cost as video calls don’t count towards your monthly data limit at all. Even if his children used all the metered data on his IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus plan watching Disney Plus, he can still make the video call he needs. The ability to make video calls will always be available to Matthew’s family on the IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus plan. Find out more about video calling on IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus here.
  2. Rachel lives in a family of 3 with her husband and her daughter. They live in regional and rural Australia and their daughter studies remotely. On the weekend, Rachel and her husband spent time watching a little bit too much Netflix and their data at home ran out in the final week of their month. Their daughter has important exams that she is preparing for that week and finds that when she goes online to browse the web, tries to download audio lectures and her PowerPoint slides for the week, that everything is slow. She’s quickly frustrated. Rachel feels bad seeing her daughter go through this, so purchases an extra 5GB of data from IPSTAR Broadband for $15 which pushes up her monthly cost.
    1. If Rachel switched her family to IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus, she would not have had to spend an extra $15 so her daughter could study stress-free that week. Browsing the web, reading the news online, downloading audio files and even PowerPoint slides won’t count towards her monthly data allowance on IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster plus. Find out more about education on IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus here.
  3. Michael lives only with one other person, his partner. They use a lot of data on two things mainly. Streaming video and downloading video games. The latest game is just about to release and they can’t wait to download and play it. It is a disaster for them though, they have already run out of data for the month as they already downloaded other games and watched too much Netflix, they did this all in the first week. The game is only 20GB in size, but they both don’t think it’s worth it to spend the money to pay for the $40 data block as well as having to purchase the game. Michael and his partner decide to wait 3 whole weeks for their data to reset so they can download the game and they have to suffer hearing about how much fun all their friends are having with it in the meantime. They are both very unhappy.
    1. If they switched their household to IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus, even if they went on our smallest and cheapest plan available. They could download that 20GB game and it won’t even count towards their monthly data allowance, it’s a data-free activity. Find out more about gaming on IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus here.

How will I know when to switch?

The best way to tell when to switch to IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus or to purchase a data block instead is based on the reason you are getting the data block.
You can figure this out by looking at the unmetered activities that won’t count towards your monthly data allowance on IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus. If the unmetered activities are ones that you often purchase data blocks to do, then switching is something you should consider.
We then recommend taking a look at your previous monthly bills and thinking about if you are spending too much money on data blocks. Then compare the price you are paying per month to the prices of our IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus plans. If it turns out to be cheaper for you, then we recommend switching so you don’t have to keep purchasing data blocks and you’ll hopefully save some money by doing this.

To upgrade to IPSTAR Broadband nbn Sky Muster Plus, visit our website here and complete an online application. Or for more information call us on the phone on 1300 464 778.

Why you should plus with us

IPSTAR Broadband has been providing internet connectivity to remote and regional Australians for over a decade. We were the first to provide satellite internet to Australians and our commitment to backing the bush has remained steadfast. We offer Australian based customer service and our team of experts will always be there for you when you need us. At IPSTAR Broadband you are a name, not a number.